Week 1 Sermon Recap

Week 1 Discussion Questions

1. Being that this past Sunday was Father’s Day, what is one of the greatest lessons your father ever taught you?

2. The sermon emphasized that "you are a better father when you have faith for your family." Can you share an experience where your faith significantly influenced a decision or situation within your family? How did this impact your relationship with your family members?

3. What is something that stood out to you in this lesson? What’s something from this lesson you can apply to your own life? 

Week 2 Sermon Recap

Week 2 Discussion Questions

1. Pastor has cast the vision of a "whosoever will revival" for our church. Part of that vision is for everyone to invite 2 people to church. How is it going for you currently as you’re working to accomplish this goal? Any wins we can celebrate? Anything the small group can pray for? 

2. In the sermon, it was mentioned that a ‘whosoever will’ revival requires a united and ignited church. How do you think our church can foster greater unity and ignite a deeper passion for evangelism among its members?

3. When it comes to evangelism. We must be quicker to love than cast judgment. How do we make sure as individuals we’re quicker to love others then judge others? Can you tell a time when someone has shown you the love of God when you desperately needed it?

4. In this weeks lesson it was stated that each and everyone of us are called to do something with what we know. What are you currently doing with what you know?

5. Reflecting on the statement “God is moving the church from a Sunday-centric mentality to a lifestyle of evangelism,” what are some practical steps we can take in our daily lives to embrace this shift and actively share our faith throughout the week?

Week 3 Sermon Recap

Week 3 Discussion Questions

1. Share a time when you felt overwhelmed by the busyness of life. How did it affect your spiritual health, and what did you do to find peace and rest?


2. How do you think our society’s fast-paced lifestyle impacts our ability to engage in meaningful spiritual disciplines like prayer and Bible reading? 


3. Why does being consumed by busyness and hurry hinder us from having revival and keep us from fulfilling Gods purpose? 


4. What is something you can do this week to intentionally slow down so that you can fulfill Gods purpose?

Week 4 Sermon Recap

Week 4 Discussion Questions

1. Is there a time you can recall where God met you in a Valley? 

2. Can you share a significant lesson you have gained from either a valley or mountaintop experience? 

3. Our flesh is conditioned and trained to not trust. It’s only through trusting in God that a miracles can happen. The devil would love nothing more than to plant seeds of doubt while we’re in the valley. What is something you can do to make sure you don’t lose trust in the lord while in the valley?

4. What is something that stood out to you in this week's lesson?

Week 5 Sermon Recap

Week 5 Discussion Questions

1. Can you tell about a time that you made a promise and you didn’t keep it? Can you tell about a time that you made a promise and you did keep it? How did both situations make you feel?

2. 2 Corinthians 1:20 states, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.” What do you think it means that all of God’s promises are fulfilled in Christ, and how does this affect your understanding of God’s faithfulness?

3. How can we remind ourselves of God’s promises in our daily lives, especially during challenging times? What practical steps can we take to rely on His faithfulness?

Week 6 Sermon Recap

Week 6 Discussion Questions

1. Being that this past Sunday was Missions Sunday,what is something you’re doing now to actively reach lost people in the mission field God has placed you in? 


2. Romans 3:10-18 paints a bleak picture of humanity’s sinful nature. How does this passage help us understand the necessity of Jesus’ sacrifice? What does justification mean? How do these verses connect with the broader message of the Gospel?


3. In light of Romans 3:10-18, what are some practical steps we can take in our daily lives to recognize our own brokenness and reliance on God’s grace? How can acknowledging our sinfulness lead to a deeper relationship with God and a more humble approach to our relationships with others?

Week 7 Sermon Recap

Week 7 Discussion Questions

1. In an ever changing world with trends that come and go, there is a constant challenge that’s yanking at the stakes of our doctrine and trying to break and undo the foundation of our beliefs. With this constant challenge, how do you make sure we’re affirming our faith in today's world and making sure we stay grounded in truth?


2. Albert Muller is a president of Dallas’s theological seminary. He stated that “Theology doesn’t stay in theology books. What you believe about God comes out in every aspect of your everyday life.” What does this mean to you and how are you living out your theology in your everyday life? 


3. Read verses 1 Timothy 4:16 and 2 Timothy  2:15. What stands out to you in these two verses? Why are these verses important?

Week 8 Sermon Recap

Week 8 Discussion Questions

1. Icebreaker Question: Can you share your personal experience or understanding of baptism?

2. Theological/Deeper Question: Considering Acts 2:38, where Peter instructs believers to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, why do you think the emphasis is placed on baptism in the name of Jesus specifically? How does this align with the broader biblical teaching on salvation?

3. Practical/Application Question: How can we practically encourage and support others in our community who are considering baptism or who might not understand its importance? What role can we play in helping them see its significance in their spiritual lives?

Week 9 Sermon Recap

Week 9 Discussion Questions

1. No one wins with a dead church except the devil. We need a thriving, life giving, spirit filled, miracle believing church. What is something you can do to help contribute to that statement? 

2. Read 2 Timothy 4:3. What’s stands out to you about this verse? How can you make sure you can endure?

3. How do you interpret the idea that the greatest danger facing our generation is “religion without the Holy Ghost and Christianity without Christ”? How do we reach a world with this potential reality? 


Week 10 Sermon Recap

Week 10 Discussion Questions

1. Icebreaker: Share a quick unexpected act of kindness or a simple moment of joy that you experienced this week. How did it impact your mood or perspective?

2. Theological: In Romans 15:13, Paul prays, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” What is the connection between trust in God and the experience of hope, even in seemingly hopeless situations?

3. Practical: When you find yourself in a situation that feels hopeless, what are some practical tips you know for regaining a sense of hope? A spirit of hope and faith is built over time. How can you cultivate hope in your daily life to prepare you for challenging times?